Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sore throat a few hours after singing any advise?

I have been to ent and they found nothing. Its like something is at the back of my throat and I keep clearing it and my throat is sore. I am doing steam inhalations and resting my voice, any advice?Sore throat a few hours after singing any advise?
A lot of the time when you sing, your intensity outweighs your bodys capabilities...the vibrations in your throat and the pressure of the air bursting through your throat and out of your mouth can tear the tissues lining your esophagus. This is the case when you practice too much or like when you get REALLY into it and dont listen to your bodies signals that enough is enough.

I have chronic asthmatic bronchitis with copd and i am a singer, so i completely understand the pain that you are talking about.

COMPLETELY rest your voice, dont talk, hum, sing, laugh...anything.

If you have a gig coming up dont worry about it, just listen to the music and follow your part with your eyes on your sheet music. If you do practice or talk, then your body wont be able to heal itself and an infection could set it...your voice is irritated, let it cool.

In the meantime, dont eat or drink anything that has dairy products in it...this coats your throat and will make it more painful and difficult to heal. Drink things such as hot tea but try to avoid too much sugar.

Just be patient and dont rush the healing process.

Good luck and i hope that you feel better soon!!!Sore throat a few hours after singing any advise?
dissolve a aspirin in water and gargle with it the aspirin helpes to sooth the throat
Try some hot tea, lemon and honey... (equal parts honey and lemon to your taste.)
then stop singing
don't drink coffee or tea before- water only

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