Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Asking for advise on anything in life from the more experienced?

Hi. I am 14 years old. I know that you guys are alot more experienced in life so I'm asking for advise for life in general..

love %26amp; relationships, sex, money, health, cooking, peer pressure, beauty/hair/make-up, jobs etc.. anything! that could be useful and you wished you knew before when you were younger.

thanks in advance!Asking for advise on anything in life from the more experienced?
Oh now you've done it, let me go dig out my dollar bill. You have spent 14 cents.

Life is just like a dollar! A hundred cents.

If you're lucky you have a hundred years.

When you get the dollar

you are anxious to spend it.

You spend a dime, or 21 cents

and you say, ' I still have plenty left.'

Then you've spent 32 or 41 cents

and you say, 'Gosh it is almost half gone!

Where did it go. This could get scary!'

But you know you still have lots left.

Then you've spent 50 cents,

you've spent 59 cents - 'Oh my goodness

can this be happening to me?'

60 cents - 65 cents

Now each penny seems more

and more important.

You keep trying to remember

each and every penny you spent

in the past what was it you spent it on?

Where did it go?

You have a hard time

remembering, but you know it is

gone and there is no way to get it back.

There is a longing to have the

whole dollar back and to start all over again.

This time you would be more sensible

about what you spent the pennies on,

cause NOW you realize they add up

and they add up quickly!

You have now spent 75 cents or 78 cents.

There is a feeling of panic. You don't want

to be broke.

You vainly try to think of something

worthwhile to spend the last few cents

on and you even start to wonder if you will

really have a whole dollar to spend.

You worry that maybe you really only have

79 cents or 82 cents, and then you will be broke.

There is no way to stop it and no way to

get it back.

Spend it wisely, because every single human

on this earth has the same chance to spend

their dollar and then it is GONE!

A lot of people live a hundred years today-

that is what I based the dollar on,

but a lot die in their 60s 70s 80s and 90s too,

so spend your first 50 or 60 years to

really make them COUNT!!!

Because life is like a hole in your pocket!

One minute you have it and the

next minute it is gone!

You dearly want it back, but it is gone forever!

What year are you in life. How many cents do you have left to spend?Asking for advise on anything in life from the more experienced?
You arent too young to learn that being completely honest is the best way to live your life. Don't pretend to be someone you arent so another person will like you, be yourself at all times, and stay true to who you are.

Love and respect yourself and others will too.

As soon as you can, start investing for your future, when you get your first job start putting away $25 or $50 a month and you will be a rich lady someday and wont have to rely on others. For women money in the bank is freedom. Freedom to love someone who loves and appreciates you. Freedom to be happy in your life because you do have choices.

Dont let peer pressure cause you to make bad choices. When you are 20 the people you may want to impress now wont even be a memory.

If you want a friend, be a friend, and visa versa. Pick a friend who is a friend.
The most important thing is to always think before you act, esp. as a teen. Take a few moments to think of consequences that could result from an action. Likewise sometimes the action could bring rewards. This rule can be applied to just about anything in life, esp. SEX. Don't give in to peer pressure unless it is Positive Peer Pressure--friends encouraging you to succeed, to do well, to advise you on the right paths of life. Also,always remember that a true friend is there for you in both good times and bad. Always try to be a good friend and you should have them in return.
Never take yourself too seriously. To be able to laugh at yourself and others is a good thing. What really matters are not things (such as a car) but the people you love, things can be replaced, but people cannot. Pick your battles, some things are little and not really so important, so save the fight for those things that are really earth shattering, that really do make a difference. Live life so that you stop and smell the roses, dance as if no one is watching and love as if you have never been hurt. Do the things you love and do them with passion.
Trust no one completely...

I was an optimistic youth I was lied to all my life. Now I have very little to show for all my efforts.

I don't see the glass half full.

I don't see the glass half empty.

I am a cynic, I see a missing half, it was mine before it was stolen and I want it back. If the legs of the thief are broken in the process, so much the better.

Take care of yourself first and foremost as no one else gives a damn about you. If you assume the worst from people through your life you will be pleasantly surprised two or three times. You will be prepared all the time.

Live long and prosper...
Respect everyone,put your school and studies first and always always save for a rainy day. I think young kids should learn to tithe to their church too but that's another story altogether.Your young for a much shorter time enjoy it but respect yourself and don't compromise your beliefs and values.You have nothing to prove to anyone else but your self.Print all of this off and read it every month. It will lead you down the right path.One last thing rent the dvd The Secret and watch it. Good luck young man.God be with you
Mymost important piece of advice to you is listen to your inner-voice you know that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when something or someone just doesn't sit right %26amp; be who you are as a person I want to wish you good luck in all your future endeavors %26amp; just stay true to yourself OK You have a good head on your shoulders you are going to go far Take care
Be honorable. Educate yourself to be skilled in whatever field you hope to work. Wake up each day giving thanks for the new day. Do not expect everything to go as planned, have backups. The best laid plans of mice and men oft times go astray.
Don't be in a hurry to be an adult. You are a child for 20 years max and an adult for 50 or more. There is a reason all us adults wish we could be children again. I was in such a I am bored.
To thine own self be true.

Do not give yourself away, just to be ';liked';.

You have to like yourself, in order for others to like you.
Learn from your mistakes and be a leader not a follower. Set realistic goals and don't let your peers negative attitudes affect your goals. Read the bible and keep prayer in your heart.
Learn early on to do your own thinking and listen to your self - example: if a thing feels wrong it probably is.
Live clean and follow your conscience. There's lot's of good advice these folks have given you to ponder.
Study hard , save your money , stay in school ; and choose your friends carefully .
Plan ahead. Don't take for granted things will turn out for the best.
The answers here are just so good. How refreshing!
Some of this advice will be tough to follow at your age but here goes.

For money, do whatever you can to stay out of debt. That means when you rent or buy a home, make sure your payments stay under one fourth of your bring home pay. When you are married and both work, keep in mind getting pregnant changes that figure. Stay away from credit if you are not willing to pay the whole bill off every month. It's amazing what they can charge you when you don't.

Sex: I am pretty old fashioned so I'd say at the least, save it for the one you are likely to marry and make sure you are in a position to take care of a child even if the other person does not stick around.

Peer pressure is easy to fall into. I did and it never went all that well. Yeah, some of your friends maybe didn't get caught or did not get into trouble but it doesn't mean you wont.

Relationships: Just take your time. There will be plenty of time to get married and start a family unless you start around age 70. Make sure you LIKE the person and not just love/lust for them. Some of the best relationships start with being good friends and getting to know one another. Even then, when you get married, that's when you REALLY get to know someone.

Cooking'; Well, personally I think everyone, male or female should know how to fix some basic meals. When you get on your own, you'll learn or spend a ton of money going out to eat. ( see the part about being tight with money)

Beauty: Many girls I went to highschool with were wall flowers compared to the cheer leaders and pom pom girls. At my 20th re-union, the wallflowers were absolutely beautiful and the cheer leaders and poms look like they had been rode hard and put up wet as well as being pretty heavy. They also only relived their ';glory'; highschool days.Pretty much same with the ';jocks';.

You'll do fine if you trust your gut instinct and ,believe it or not, listen to mom and dad and Grandma and grandpa. We all screwed up somewhere along the line. Just dont make a habit of it. Time is fleeting so appreciate what you have now and just take it easy and dont try to get '; grown -up '; too quick.

Best I could do for now but I had to take my lumps so I had to pass them on.

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