If you are not a Christian you can turn to Jesus. He can heal you from the inside out. I was verbally abused by a man and sexually but the man not get very far because I kicked him where it hurts when I was 12. But years later, God healed me.
Healing also starts with forgiveness .Forgiveness is not for the offenders benefit but for our own. So (we) can be free.Need some advise on weight loss and sexual abuse?
I am sorry you have to go through being abused sexually. I know that can be excruciating to deal with. I do suggest though that you try to talk to someone. People who don't understand often say that you should just get over it and move forward, but they don't understand how truly difficult that is or how much abuse survivors want to let it go but the abuse seem to follow them everywhere.
I dont think that you will solve your weight problem by just going to a weight class or joing a weight support group. You first need to deal with the psychological impact the abuse has caused you, otherwise loosing weight might become a win and loose battle.
Many persons who have been sexually abused tend to have some form of compulsive behaviour. Terse include eating disorders, and OCD along with depression, anxiety and many other negative effects. I do understand how you feel. If you want to talk i am here for you.
To start, I am sorry that has happened to you. No man has the right to put his hands on you without your say so.
Secondly, have you gone to the police?
Lastly, this is just your minds defence mecanism against perves! Don't let what those scums did to you interfere with your lifestyle!!! Don't let them control how you look! They don't deserve any part of your mind, and by doing this to yourself, they've got it. It will take time and tears to heal, nut trust me, with the Grace of God, you can become someone who does not fear men anymore! :)
Learn kickboxing so that you always feel safe. And take precautions, like carrying pepper spray in your bag. This will help you feel safe, and you don't have to be overweight to do it.
I know it might sound silly, but bing a counseled helps a lot. It has taken me 6 years to get over what has happened to me. Don't let that be you. And don't let a truley good guy pay for something he nor you had any control over.
Start living your life again! Controling your life again!
It will take time and tears to overcome this, but you can do it!
I know you can!!! :)
Join weight loss programs for support and talk to qualified proffessionals but put off anything drastic like weight loss surgery. Results are permnant and it changes your life forever.
Look for supplements and other things but dont do fad diets. That is your first step.
Also the thing I was told that helps me is to realize there will be slip ups and slip backs in your dieting but you have to know that you will over come them and move foward.
I need to get back on my dieting to.
You need to talk to someone about this. I would start by calling a woman's sexual assault help line. They have the knowledge and information you need.
You need to be good to yourself by taking care of yourself. If you don't do this, no one else will.
I have the same problem for the same reason. Hopefully someone out there has the answer. I'm sorry you went through that.
Weight loss tips.
I am a personal trainer who has been teaching people about nutrition and weight management through my training sessions and have decided to share some basic weight loss tip with those who are struggling or finding their diet boring.
1. You must have breakfast. This meal is the single most important meal of the day. It breaks the fast that your body has been on for the last 6-9 hours you've been sleeping. People who eat breakfast have also shown that they manage their weight better.
2. Drink plenty of water! Drink 1-2 litres a day at first then work up to 2-3 litres a day after a week or two. Your body will get used to drinking this amount after a while and the frequent trips to the toilet will lessen in time.
3. Eat regularly! You should manage your eating pattern and strive to eat every 3 hours. This helps your body to fight off cravings, gives your body a smoother energy level throughout the day, will help you eat less at meal times and will keep your hunger at bay.
4. Aim to have 5 meals a day. Breakfast, small snack mid morning, Lunch, small snack mid afternoon, evening meal no later then 19.00 if possible.
5. Get some exercise! Eating healthily will make you lose weight but you will lose more and feel better by doing some exercise. The benefits of exercising are too numerous for this article but believe me when I say that 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week, just for starters, will work wonders for your body.
6. Get enough sleep! This one is a must when exercising. The body grows and repairs during sleep but also adapts to changes in eating habits too. Your metabolism re-adjusts to the new nutritional intake you are feeding it and over time becomes accustomed to it and adapts accordingly. 8 hours a night is the norm.
7. Watch your carbohydrates! Fat is the bad guy in most cultures but it's the carbohydrates that most people need to watch. Carbs give us energy and if we eat to much carbs it gets turned into fat if we don't burn them off. The body slows down during the late afternoon and evening so eating tons of potatoes, rice, pasta or pastry type products at this time is not really a good idea.
8. Keep a food diary if you have time. This will help you look back at what worked, what foods you ate, what weight you were when you started and is useful for learning where to go next with you weight goals.
9. Don't calorie count. You don't need to! It takes too long and can get frustrating! Just go by portion size. Don't allow one food to touch another on the plate and this should be ideal. You will already be in calorie deficit but drinking water between your meals will help keep hunger under control.
10. Enjoy the various healthy foods available. Don't be afraid to use recipes and fresh ideas when cooking. Allow a cheat meal after the first 6-8 weeks of your new healthy nutrition regime. As long as it's gradual and once in a while (no more than twice a week) you'll continue to lose weight and also notice a difference in your body when eating non healthy food.
11.Try Yoga best for weight loss
12.Put your image in mind smart
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