Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why is it the health visitors and midwifes advise you not to use stage 2 or stage 3 formula?

They tell you just to increase the amount of stage one instead of moving to stage 2 however because you are just increasing the amount of stage one, that is alot of fluid to put in the baby's tummy instead of just a smaller dose of stage 2.

Why is it?

Thanks xWhy is it the health visitors and midwifes advise you not to use stage 2 or stage 3 formula?
in my experience (i have 3 children) health visitors and midwives are very unhelpful and make you feel useless, so you do what u feel is right for your child, just tell the health visitor what she wants to hear and she will leave you alone, any advice i need about my children i get it from my mum,

and in my experience stage 2 milk was good for my first daughter as she was a very hungry baby but it did give her a few tummy problems,Why is it the health visitors and midwifes advise you not to use stage 2 or stage 3 formula?
I don't listen to my HV. All they do is tell you how to be a mum. And only you should know how to be a mum to YOUR child.

They're full of crap most of the time anyway.

Listen to your instincts, you obviously think you must be right otherwise you wouldn't be saying it to yourself and asking other people about it.

Good luck to you!
i put my 2 boys onto stage 2 milk quite early (much to my hv disgust but hey there my kids she wasnt listening to them crying) as they were hungry they never had any problems with it but i do belive some babies can get colicky my kids never nor did they end up fat babies they perfect wieghts for there heights
Some babies grow really fat on stage too due to the high fat and calorie content.

My friends little boy went on stage 2 and 4 weeks, he is 9 months now and is 30lbs and wears clothes for a 2 year old!

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