Thursday, July 29, 2010

So i was wondering if anyone could give me some advise on getting rid of Spider veins?

There are a few different treatments for spider veins. This first is Sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves, 鈥榠njections of a sclerosing solution to dissolve and eliminate鈥?your spider veins. This has been known to reduce or eliminate the cramping, burning, swelling, and aching that sometimes accompanies spider veins. The price for Sclerotherapy ranges from $150-$400 per treatment, and only a licensed professional will be able to tell you how many treatments you may need.

Another effective treatment is laser spider vein removal. The lasers work by targeting the blood vessels in spider veins. The surrounding tissue remains intact as the capillaries absorb the energy and are eliminated. The resulting dead vein is harmlessly absorbed back into your body. Laser Spider vein removal generally costs between $350-$500 per treatment and like Sclerotherapy only a licensed professional will be able to tell you how many treatments you may need.So i was wondering if anyone could give me some advise on getting rid of Spider veins?
aside from laser therapy, rosemary essential oil is great (mixed with some olive oil or another base oil) or 'vitamin K 'products work too

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