Sunday, August 22, 2010

I am writimg a book an im 15, can anyone give me some advise or tips?

I love to write, and since around christmas i have been writing/planning a book about a girl who moves to the east coast with her younger sister to start a new life, but stupid me i was reading twilight at the time and the first few chapters sound a bit... twilightish. since christmas i have been reading other styles of books which i love and now i have changed a lot of things, so is there any advise anyone can give me? thank you! xI am writimg a book an im 15, can anyone give me some advise or tips?
Advice? Well, I could give you advice on what readers like but I can't help with your story, seeing as you gave me nothing to work with other than a girl moves to the east coast.

Well, just write. Don't worry about anything. I mean it! Write like you've never written before. Do NOT under ANY circumstances plan! UNLEASH THE POWER YOU HAVE INSIDE YOU!!!

That sounds weird but it really works! I sat down one day and thought to myself: ';What should I write about?'; I got several ideas I wasn't happy with so I chucked them out the window (I literally sit in front of a window when I write). Then I put the pen to paper and let go of all thoughts and emotions. Suddenly, my pen moved! Well, I moved it, but I wasn't conscious of it. I was just letting instincts take over. Within minutes I had created a world I myself never thought possible! I went back and read over the manuscript and it need MAJOR editing. I am NO grammar expert as you can probably tell. Nevertheless, I loved the story and was completely flabbergasted that I had developed such an intricate plot with lovable characters!

Trust me when I say: ';Your brain has so much information you can't access with your conscious mind. Let go and just write. If you don't like it, that's okay. That is what editing is for. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation until it is all done, otherwise you'll be at it all day and you will never produce a great novel.

I wish you the best of luck and I hope you will trust me on this. I can guarentee you won't be disappointed if you follow my instructions exactly. Don't worry, have lots of fun, and good luck!I am writimg a book an im 15, can anyone give me some advise or tips?
I'm 15 too. I know that I have my own style, but if I'm reading a poorly written book what I write during that time is usually not so great. I think it's like when you are around people that all talk with an accent for a long time, eventually you are going to start to talk like them as well. It's important to read a lot, because otherwise you will not know what is origanal and what has been done over and over again. You just need to be careful that what you write sounds like you and not like someone else.
Read every ';How to Write fiction'; book in your local library. Join a writers club or a writers circle so that you can hear visiting lecturers and get advice from other writers. Write something every day you possibly can, even if it's just a paragraph or even notes to think about later. In short: start to learn your trade and find your own style. You wouldn't sit down at the piano to write a concerto without first learning to read music. Writing is no different but it's fun to learn.
I started writing a story a while back i found it easier not to plan what was going to happen that way i could make it up as i went it was more exciting i also managed to fight a load of personal emotion into mine, situations i had been put in, also sometimes i would write about a situation i was in at the time and by writing what would next happen it really helped me to find the best way out of my problem. But seriously just have fun writing it and try and be very descriptive instead of telling the reader whats happening show them.

The best thing you can do is come up with your own story. It's okay to be influenced by other books just make sure it's not obvious that you were influenced by Twilight or other books. Did you know that Harry Potter was influenced by Lord of the Rings? Not many people know that, but it was. That is my best advice to you. Hope you finish the book!
Good for you; you're proof that Stephenie Meyer has inspired people of your age to write.

I'm not going to rehash what everybody else has said, but I will say is that it's very hard work. Writing a novel is like running a marathon every day for a year, and most writers need to write five novels before they do anything worthy of publication. That said, the joy for me is the writing. My motto is write for the pleasure, publish for the money.

Best of luck to you.
It seems as though everyone is writing! Just carry on reading and read everything you can lay your hands on.

What kind of genre are you thinking of writing? This will help to narrow things down and make writing easier. When you have decided, then go out and read what the great masters have written and learn as much as you can about writing style etc.
Write about what you know.

Use your own life experiences as a basis for the experiences and journey of your character.
I'm 15 too but I stick to (my twilight story鈥?/a>

I advise you post it there!
Try writing a plan then you know where you are going. Im writing too ^^
Firstly... well done for even trying!

It is usual for a first book to borrow heavily from our influences and also to be rather biographical in nature. The 'hero' in my first book was very like me as a younger man!

I am just starting my second book and I am 54!... so you are doing well!

Try to map out your story as much as possible before you start to write the narrative. One useful tip I got was to use something called 'little clouds'. These are events that you slip into the story that are initially unexplained. They serve two purposes... firstly they intrigue the reader and secondly, they can be fun when it comes to explaining them further on in your story.

An example can be when two characters who appear to have no connection, meet and have a short conversation that makes no sense to the story at that stage. 'Little clouds'! Great fun!... and they keep the readers attention.

I look forward to reading your published work in the future!

Just to add that several successful authors have written 'how to write' books. Check out your local library.

Local colleges also do writing courses where you can work with other writers and compare progress.

Finally!....... The Writers And Artists Yearbook which is published annually, (you can get it in WH Smiths) has lots of useful information for budding writers about publishing and contacting agents.
Be original. Stop reading other books.
use this:

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