Sunday, August 22, 2010

Would you advise your friend to break up with her boyfriend if?

his version of washing his cloths was taking it off the floor, sniffing it, then spraying febreze on it if its too rank? or is that not a good enough reason, because despite the mountain fresh sent he still smellsWould you advise your friend to break up with her boyfriend if?
lol. not if it's really bugging herWould you advise your friend to break up with her boyfriend if?
Nah at least he is making an effort to try and make them smell nice - when he just drops them on the floor waiting for her to pick them up then she could break up with him - I think considering he is a bloke he is being quite considerate lol
Out of all the problems a relationship could have, if that's the worst part about it she's doing well.
Thats a stupid reason to break up with someone.

Hell, I do that too sometimes.
nahh sounds like any other guy haha
if he's abusive I'd say leave him.

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