He will sit on the potty chair for 20 min and do nothing, but the moment you put the diaper back on him he will say '; I pee ';. Seriously, my daughter was trained at 1 1/2. Please help me out. All advice is welcomeDoes anyone have any advise on potty training a 2 1/2yr old boy who tells you when he pottys?
I saw this online and am sooo gonna get it for my son (he is not born yet.. LOL)
It seems like it would make it fun!!
Another tip: Try holding him on the toilet, like in a hug, you can let his head lay on your shoulder, and whispering in his ear, or making a ssssssss noise... it worked with my daughter, and still does haha she was done potty training at 15 months, well, except for naps and bedtime.
It's funny to watch them react so viscerally, they get that pee pee shiver and everything LOL
Hope this helps
Peace.Does anyone have any advise on potty training a 2 1/2yr old boy who tells you when he pottys?
Keep him naked at home. You have to be brave and have a mop handy, but he'll quickly figure out when he needs to ';go';. Also, my son learned to pee standing up and skipped the potty chair entirely (we got a small seat to put on the regular potty for #2).
Every child is different, and boys do tend to potty train later than girls. That being said, I was a teacher in a toddler class for years and we had a few tricks for some of the more difficult trainers. One is a reward system...a stamp every time he tries, and a sticker on a reward chart if he actually goes...after a certain number of stickers, he gets a small prize.
Or, it may get messy for a couple days, but switch to underpants. No kid likes the feeling of wet dripping down their legs! Underpants with their favorite character help too!
put underwear on him. does he make you take the diaper off after he pees? have your husband/boyfriend take him to bathroom everytime he goes to show him how Big boys use the restroom. or tell him he will get a surprise if he uses the potty.
Well, girls usually learn to be potty trained before boys. I woudl suggest that you offer him a prize if he goes in the pottym such as stickers or toys etc. He will go in the potty some day, you just have to wait until he's ready. Good luck! I've been through this twice too
My mom potty trained my brother by letting him pee outside, she would make him aim at something.. like a bush or a rock.. and pretty soon he would pee in the bathroom. It worked for him..!
telling you kwhen he potties is one thing, but where he does is another matter entirely. Seriously though, dad's are the best help for training by setting the example and praising the child for the good job done correctly. Usually daddy's bear hug works great. I have a 37 year old son and several grandsons. If he pretends to do the job, no hug just an ok just let me know when you do it for real.
When I used to babysit for a little boy, we were told to tell him that he was in his ';big boy pants'; and big boys don't go potty in them. It worked for him.
Boys typically train later than girls so be patient. If he's already 2 1/2, chances are he'll be trained soon! Just don't force the issue. Keep doing what you're doing and it will happen.
We didn't make a big deal out of it with our boys. The potty was there if they wanted it. We gave them lots of liquids and took them to the bathroom frequently. Eventually they got the idea!
well, my daughter is potty rained and she is 2, but i hear boys are harder.....so be patient! have him watch you and the father while you go pee, kinda wierd i know, but that way he'll want to be like mama and dada, and reward him when he goes in the potty with a marshmellow or something! but be firm take him every 30 minutes and refuse to put a diaper on him except at night time.
We finally potty trained my oldest son when he was just over 2.5 years old. He didn't make it easy on us!!! We bought underwear that has a bit more padding to it and stopped using diapers except at night. I think it made him more aware of accidents. He would sit on the potty chair in the livingroom watching his favorite movie for about an hour before he would pee. Then we would reward him with a cookie. This lasted about a week before he got the whole idea of what we wanted him to do. We gradually moved the potty chair closer to the bathroom and eventually eliminated the chair all together. About a month after completely potty training him during the days we eliminated diapers at night. We have had a few accidents during the day but none at night. Every child is different. My younger son is 18 months and ';poop trained'; and beginning to do better with holding his pee. It takes time and patients. Good Luck.
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