Sunday, August 22, 2010

My grandson 11 is going to use violence to stop being bullied what can i advise him on a non violent solution?

he has tried everything i said, being assertive, speaking loud and clear to lay off, but the boy just laughs at his attempt to stop him bullying. my grandson said he cant stand it anymore hes been holding back his urge to fight and the bully continues he is now saying i have to fight him its the ONLY way to stop him. all my advice has not worked. What can i advise now.My grandson 11 is going to use violence to stop being bullied what can i advise him on a non violent solution?
Apart from having a word with the head teacher, that may help at school for a while, but what happens after school. I think your Grandson has done very well, at keeping his temper, but in every ones life there is a time and place where you need to make a stand. I dont think you can understand what the poor kid is going through. I was bullied at school. If you cannot show him get someone to teach him how to look after himself. it will probably only take a couple of punches and the bully will have had enough. Then he can go back to his non violent life. HE has to make a stand or this is not going to stop.

RRMy grandson 11 is going to use violence to stop being bullied what can i advise him on a non violent solution?
Sometimes violence is the answer. Sounds foolish but his actions will speak louder than his words. Tell him to do exactly this:

1. Your grandson should tell the bully that if he picks on him (or whatever else he does) again, he's going to hit him where it hurts.

2. If the bully doesn't stop, your grandson should do as he told the bully and punch him in the stomach. Encourage to hit him in the stomach and nowhere else.

Your grandson will most likely get in trouble for hitting the kid but he'll get his point across. Sometimes bullies need to be hit back and given a taste of their own medicine.

I also want to mention that I've been in a situation or two like this. I never had to hit anyone but I still got my point across. One time these kids were just taunting me and giving me a hard time. I think it happened a few days in a row because I ended up getting mad at them while I was checking the mail. They were talking trash from across the street, so I got tired of it, I threw the mail everywhere and started walking toward them and they stopped talking. The next day, one guy was cool with me. The rest, I haven't seen them since. I'm 22 now and this was when I was probably 15, maybe 16.

My dad was also picked on in school and he didn't get his point across to his bully until he grabbed him by the shirt and threatened to kill him if he didn't stop. The bully had picked on my dad for 5 years and my dad just finally got semi-violent with him. He said the bully was all like, ';I don't want any trouble, man!'; when he got crazy with him.

Good luck to your grandson.
Well, you are right. Violence is NOT the answer. If he uses violence, it can make his situation worse. I have learned many things about how to stop bullying and such things at the websites below in sources. So here are some good things he should try instead of violence:

1.Act Brave, walk away, and ignore the bully.

2.Use humor. (do NOT let your grandson use humor to make fun of the bully, because as i said before it can make a sticky situation worse)

3.Tell an adult. Have him tell a teacher, counseler, princeable, janitor, secretary, someone he feels comfotable telling.

4.Use the buddy system. Most kids are bullied when they don't have their friends near by because it is has a much batter chance of getting away with it scott free.

Those are just a little things he could do. There are a lot of phrases he could say to the bully. like, Stop It!, or, Thank you, or what ever you say, or yeah yeah yeah. See there are severl things you could do. So here are some good effective websites:
when i was in elementary school i didnt fight. i did exactly wut ur saying. im a sophmore now and im finally starting to get some friends. i hated school before because of it. people like you are mentally retarded. tell him to shut up. if he doesnt: 1st and 2nd to face. 3rd to rib cage. then a flurry of 5 to the face. by then it will be broken up.
These days the bullies and other criminals get away with their actions FAR better than the victims who are always told to get counselling (at their own expense) and get on with their lives.

Playing the bullies' game, he could always punch the bully then plead ';temporary insanity';, mental states work very well these days. It has managed to get thousands of crazy people back on the street and keep thousands more living the high life in their tax-payers funded houses.

You can always try to get at the Principal, and the School authority but they usually go by the same approach, which is that bullies have problems so they have to be spared more problems.
My son has had a bully problem for years. I have tried everything. Talking to teachers, principals everything. Nothing has worked. The school is well aware of the problem. The parents never show up for conferences.

My son has my permission to hurt the kid if he feels it is necessary. He knows he will get in trouble at school for it. He will not get in trouble with me. I'm just waiting for the day I get the call.

Sometimes violence is the only way to stop a bully. Words and punishments are nothing. A broken nose is something he will remember.
Sadly sometimes it does come down to fighting back. Then once the kid knows your grandson will stick up for himself they will move on to the next one. But have you informed the school of what is going on? That needs to be done too
This is a tough one. My 12 year old son has been bullied in the past as well. He too tried and tried to cool things off without resorting to violence. Finally, he had come to the point where he threw a few punches. The first 2 incidences (when he was about 8-9 years old), this worked, and the bullying stopped. The third time, earlier this year, didn't turn out too well. Instead of the same kid picking on my son, he got 2 boys about 14 years old to jump my son in the park after school. They beat him up badly and let him know who to thank for the beat down.

So, it depends on how much of a psycho the bully is. Your call.
Your grandson has tried all the nonviolent means for stopping the torment. Sometimes a physical response is necessary. I would have an older relative teach him how to defend himself. But once he is facing the bully, he should not give a speech about how now he's going to punch him. He should just do it. The advantage of surprise may be the turning point, which he can follow up by throwing more punches if he needs to. Chances are the bully will back off. But he does need to realize there is also a possiblity he will get hit as well. But that's not as bad as years of abuse and the bully will look for easier prey.

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