Thursday, August 19, 2010

Seniors can you advise on how you have overcome emotional issues?

Many have anxiety depression and anger issues as is evident on this site,has anyone got a story on how they have come through a situation and out into the sunshine ? I'm thinking it would give many hope and encouragement to hang in there :-)Seniors can you advise on how you have overcome emotional issues?
hi gd. it is easy for me to sit here and tell you how i found the road to sunshine. but it doesn't mean it will work for you. it is a hard slog with setbacks and tantrums. i don't know how long an answer i can give so i will outline some of my guidelines, it took me years to work it out and even though i a have my moments, i swear these things have made a huge difference to my health and my stress levels

1) if it don't make you happy don't do it

2) talk, don't let it build up inside.

3) acceptance , you may not like it but if you accept it you can begin to move on

4) compromise, so important

patience, it takes time, me over 3 yrs.

5)believing and having faith in yourself

6)counselling it takes a while to realise it does help.

know that you need help and be proud enough to seek it.

anyway i had better stop, email if you like.Seniors can you advise on how you have overcome emotional issues?
The majority of people who have these issues, it can be traced back to hurt, anger and bitterness at someone or something who let them down/abused them etc, or they percieved let them down/hurt them.

The people who recovered all came to the place where they decided to choose to forgive and stop letting the grudges dictate the rest of their lives. They saw that many people are abused and theirs isn't any worse than others who have recovered. Then then take responsibility to recover from their anger because they don't want it to have an effect on others.

Those who don't recover are those who hold on to the feelings that they have been treated unfairly, and want to think angry thoughts about the person/situation concerned. This stops them from moving forward.
Most of the problems they have are related to the fact that relatives leave them alone, and they get depressed. Or their spouses die, which is a severe cause for a depression, many die 1 year after.

Solution? I'd recommend it, many people recommend it, psychiatrist recommend it... get a dog... dogs are faithful animals, that if loved, will return incredible amounts of love back. It will also help create a sense of responsibility and reason for old people to wake up and live the next day...

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